
Real moments, real emotions; capturing people’s hearts and minds in real time to spread their real stories. NERV was built on the art of Documentary. We strive to reveal meaningful messages that promote positive change to our communities and environment.

Contact us if you have a pitch for a documentary; we want to hear from you!


the soul of the fraser (2022)

In beautiful British Columbia, Canada, follow an ensemble cast ranging from a former government worker turned activist to a boat captain with an indigenous family history long forgotten, as they search for a way to save what's left of the Fraser Estuary. This documentary feature uses the estuary as a case study proving a lack of environmental stewardship as a result of indigenous suppression. The film will be released June 2022.

The heart of the

fraser (2019)

(45min) Critical Salmon and Sturgeon spawning habitat is in danger. A group of activists share their knowledge and show our crew the mysterious “heart” of the Fraser River. This is an ongoing battle, if you wish to learn more or assist in protecting this critical habitat, check out:

Click Here to watch the Film!